True Mind Consulting

  1. Photo of Complexity eats everything for breakfast

    Complexity eats everything for breakfast

    June 9, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    I went to a breakfast meeting of business leaders — the kind where everyone has the words “chief” or “head” in their title.

  2. Photo of Depth, contrast and multiple perspectives

    Depth, contrast and multiple perspectives

    June 5, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    I had the good fortune to see an exhibition of Vermeer’s paintings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Like all great art, they have something to tell us about the world and how we see it.

  3. Photo of Embracing wicked problems

    Embracing wicked problems

    May 17, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    A wicked problem is one that isn’t susceptible to linear thinking¹.

  4. Pathological what now?

    February 6, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    The phrase “computer says no” has become ubiquitous (at least wherever people have watched Little Britain) as a shorthand for bureaucratic blockages.

  5. Purported purposes, and real ones

    February 6, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    A friend of mine was recently told she was being made redundant. It was all done by the book — a meeting with the line manager, attended by HR, all points covered and next steps explained.

  6. Visual before verbal, sensing before speaking

    February 2, 2023

    Photo of Jake Hoban Jake Hoban

    I was asked to take on management of a program that had been running for a couple of years and was suffering from a lack of direction.

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